Wednesday, July 11, 2012

3 on Thursday

Tell us about your 3 favorite vacations, or any upcoming vacations you have planned.

I have a confession. I've never really been on a vacation.Sure I've gone places and seen things. I have never packed a suitcase and headed off to go someplace to relax. I think I need to do that. I'm not rich and I can't seem to save money no matter how frugal I try to be. Something in the house breaks, a bill arrives that needs to be paid, my mom needs me. As I get older I am realizing that I also need time for myself. I think I need to start looking at travel brochures.

 Before my mom got really sick we were planning a trip to the Grand Canyon. I'd really like to still do that one day. My mom wanted to take my daughter there so she could see it. My mom and my daughter were best buds. My mom just had her 65th birthday. She has early onset dementia. She's been sick almost 4 years now. I would like to take my daughter because it's something my mom wanted.

 I homeschool my daughter. One of the things I would really like to do for her is take her on a trip to see Washington DC as part of her education.

 For myself.....I'd really just like to sit on a beach by myself listening to the waves, seagulls, or just have quiet. I live in Southern California and have never ever seen the beach without other people. I wonder how rich one would have to be to kick everyone else off the beach and just have it to yourself. I want that. I know....very selfish. It's just people are loud and rude. People throw trash into nature ruining it. People bring radios to the beach. I don't understand that- I want to hear waves not rap music. I just want to be by myself sometimes. What better place than the beach.

To join in visit 3 on Thursday


  1. I am sorry about your mom. I lost my mom unexpectedly at 63 and can understand your loss.

    I like all three of your choices. I have actually been to the beach by myself but it was on the Atlantic. It is wonderful.

    Save your pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. Add dollar bills you have when you get back from a day shopping, out to eat, whatever. You can get there!

  2. All three vacation ideas sound wonderful. I love Washington DC and think it would be a great learning experience for your daughter. :-)

  3. Grand Canyon sounds amazing. I have tons of these natural beauties to add to my list!

  4. I really hope you get your vacation soon! everyone needs some time away!


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